How to additionally clean-up Kodi MySQL database from unwanted entries

If you are like me using Kodi (XBMC) library to manage all your multimedia files you are probably used to updating and cleaning your library after adding or deleting new files.

My library at the moment consists of 15121 files total, but after examining it in PHPMyAdmin I have noticed that files table contains also some entries that point to non-existing idPath from path table and other files that are pointing to a path that is non-local (HTTP or plugin instead of regular system path). Continue reading “How to additionally clean-up Kodi MySQL database from unwanted entries”

Join several video files with VLC without transcoding

I was looking for most simple way to join several video clips into one larger clip without installing additional packages on my Debian laptop.

Most simple way I found was using command like this:

vlc 18M00S.mp4 19M00S.mp4 20M00S.mp4 21M00S.mp4 --sout "#gather:std{access=file,dst=all.mp4}" --sout-keep

Where “18M00S.mp4“, “19M00S.mp4“, “20M00S.mp4” and “21M00S.mp4” are my clips that will be joined in a file “all.mp4” in the same folder.

You can change output filetype with adding for example “mux=ts” in –sout “#gather:std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=all.mp4}“, but this was not needed in my case.