Mount Nextcloud as drive in Windows WebDAV

In order to mount your Nextcloud as drive in Windows, in command prompt use following command to mount it as drive N and replace YOURSERVER, YOURSERVERPORT, YOURUSERNAME and YOURPASSWORD with your values.

net use N: https://YOURSERVER:YOURSERVERPORT/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/your-username/ /user:YOURUSERNAME YOURPASSWORD

MusicBrainz Picard Plex naming script

Paste this into Options > Options > File naming > Edit file naming script…

$if($if2(%albumsort%,%album%),[$if2(%originalyear%,%year%)] $if2(%albumsort%,%album%),[] Unreleased)$if($eq_any(%releasetype%,Album,album),, [%releasetype%])/
$if(%tracknumber%,$num(%tracknumber%,2) ,)
$if(%artist%,%artist% - ,)$if2(%titlesort%,%title%)

Change DPI to 125% in Gnome

For work purposes I am running Fedora desktop in Virtualbox but compared to Windows 10 guest fonts looked quite smaller in Fedora. Settings in Gnome by default have only 100% and 200% options which are not matching 125% used by Windows. So in order to set it up properly you need to run this command in the terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.25

Change will be applied immediately.

Append bash history in real-time and change output to show date and time of the command execution

Bash history can be very useful to re-trace steps performed on the system, but one of the issues is that commands are not logged in real-time but after ending a session. Also history output does not include date and time which is really useful for debugging.

In order to solve this you will need to append 3 lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

shopt -s histappend

In order for this to become active you need either to log out and log back in our execute:

source ~/.bashrc

After this all your commands will be logged in real-time and output of history command will have date & time information in following format: